Gourmet cookies – with a little attitude

Gourmet cookies – with a little attitude

One of the great things about our business is getting to work with some really cool companies to combine our cookies and gifts with their marketing and branding ideas. A long-time friend and customer, Mike Minogue from Dark Horse Creative always inspires me with his packaging ideas for holiday gifts featuring our cookies and brownies. So when Mike came up with his latest viral marketing idea, I was happy to jump on board.

Dark Horse created some temporary tattoos, sent them around the country to various people and had them take photos. When I saw the tattoo, I thought it might be a great fit for Anna’s Gourmet Goodies to get in on the action. They sent a supply of the tattoos and I setup this photo shoot with my daughter, and the business namesake, Anna.

We really had fun with it. To be sure, our cookies and brownies really are good, so why not display a little ‘attitude’. The picture has a timeless quality and it certainly drove home something that all fathers with daughters have to face – my little girl is growing up fast!

Not sure how we’ll use this photo and promo in our marketing, but I’m sure we’ll find a spot for it. If nothing else, perhaps it will spark an idea with someone wanting to combine our cookies with their marketing and branding program. Thinking out of the box and working with clients that have an edge in their marketing is something I absolutely love. It simply does not get much better than some of the work we’ve done with Dark Horse Creative. And, as those of you that have been around horse racing at all know, you should never underestimate a dark horse…

Learn more:

Tattoo Fun

Want to know what we did for Dark Horse gifts? Visit our website and drop me an email.

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